Developments in the technology and techniques around liposuction have led to modern, innovative options for people looking to reduce fat in specific locations that don’t respond to diet and exercise. One of these options is power-assisted liposuction (PAL). This technique for fat reduction in NYC uses the same basic steps as current liposuction procedures, but with a more efficient device to make removing stubborn fat cells easier.
showTreatment Areas
The same treatment areas that are possible with regular liposuction are also possible to treat with PAL. Commonly treated areas during a body contouring procedure include:
- Abdomen
- Back
- Thighs
- Upper arms
- Under the chin (submental)
- Hips
- Chest (for gynecomastia treatment)
Depending on your desired goals, Dr. Wallach can also use PAL to perform a liposuction procedure known as “abdominal etching,” which is particularly useful for men seeking to achieve a more sculpted abdomen and reveal their muscles to truly define a six-pack look.
The procedure for PAL is similar to that of traditional liposuction. First, Dr. Wallach injects the treatment area with a tumescent solution that contains lidocaine, an anesthetic, and epinephrine, which constricts blood vessels to minimize the risk of bleeding. Once the solution has spread throughout the area, Dr. Wallach will make one or more small incisions placed strategically to access the desired treatment area.
Once the tiny incision is made, the PAL cannula is inserted, and the device is turned on as needed to dislodge fat cells and remove them through gentle suction
PAL is similar to regular liposuction in many ways. The incision size is the same as traditional liposuction, and the procedure steps are nearly identical. There is less manual exertion because the oscillating handpiece does most of the work, which allows Dr. Wallach to be more precise with moving the cannula throughout the area.
This procedure is often recommended to treat more fibrous fatty regions such as the hips, back, and male chest. However, it may not always be recommended for these areas if another liposuction technique would be better suited.
There really are few to no disadvantages in performing liposuction with PAL over more traditional methods. The bruising rate and seroma rate are identical. Since it does not use high-energy modalities that can potentially create a lot of heat, the risk of seroma is less than those that do.
Results and Recovery
After a liposuction plastic surgery procedure, Dr. Wallach will dress you in compression garments to help keep swelling down and ensure the treated area heals in the intended way after fat extraction. Liposuction patients often take only a few days off of work and other activities, and have little postoperative pain that can be controlled by prescribed or over-the-counter medications. It’s important to keep in mind that PAL liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure, as it’s designed to help people improve their contour, not lose weight. A great majority of the swelling will dissipate within 6-8 weeks, but final results will appear after the swelling has completely subsided, which can take up to about 4- 6 months or longer.
Schedule a Consultation
Today, there are many techniques that have helped people all over New York to finally achieve the slim, contoured figure they’ve been trying to achieve. Often, the ideal shape isn’t possible to achieve through healthy living on its own, and stubborn pockets of excess fat just won’t go away. If you’re interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to talk to board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Steven Wallach about your options for liposuction. Get started by calling our office or contacting us online today.