by Dr. Steven Wallach
Realself, a community online to inform the public about plastic surgery, has honored me by acknowledging my dedication to educate the public. I am part of their RealSelf 100 which is a group of 100 surgeons who have answered the most questions on line about plastic surgery. Actually, I am the number one poster (?) with almost 22,000 questions answered! Almost 9,000 more than anyone else. It’s really my dedication to education that it is all about. As I have always been very active on the education side of plastic surgery being that I am the chairman of the teaching course committee of American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, a co-chairman of the scientific section of the New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgery, the aesthetic editor for Plastic Surgery Educational Network an online educational tool for plastic surgeons, and of course an editor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and former editor of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. On another note, and along the same theme, I have decided to “roll out” videos on various topics related to plastic surgery based upon common questions that are asked. They can be found in my video library or on YouTube. Enjoy!