by Dr. Steven Wallach
With bikini season right around the corner, more women in New York, NY are considering breast augmentation surgery. In fact, breast augmentation is the number one surgical cosmetic procedure in the U.S., according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). If you’re interested in breast augmentation, Dr. Steven Wallach offers a multitude of options for incisions, techniques, and implants to uniquely tailor the procedure to your desired, realistic outcomes.
During your initial consultation, an implant size that complements the body is chosen, and the incision and implant placements are discussed. After a plan is set, surgery can be scheduled. But, what can be expected during a breast augmentation? After creating a pocket under the muscle, if that is where the implant is chosen to be placed, the inferior fibers of the pectoralis major muscle along the inferomedial aspect will be released, and then an over-expanded sizer will be placed inside.
Antibiotic irrigation and numbing medication are then injected, the sizer is deflated and removed, the permanent implant is inserted, and incisions are closed. When inserting the implant, Dr. Wallach makes sure that the pocket is the adequate size. After the implant is in the right position, the incision is closed. A light dressing is then applied, as well as a sports bra to protect the newly formed breasts, and the patient is free to return home. Recovery from breast augmentation may last for a few weeks, and it is important to follow Dr. Wallach’s specific aftercare guidelines to ensure a positive, healthy recovery.
If you are located in the New York, NY area, and are considering a breast augmentation, contact Dr. Wallach today to schedule a consultation.